
Super Cub - Christian Sturm's Project Website.


Christian's build is one of the coolest looking Super Cubs I have seen on the web. Here's a lil' note from his site on why he wanted to build a PA-18.

The short answer - because I can! The long answer - I always loved the
Super Cub and wanted to own one since I started flying at age 15.

Fast foward 23 years later and I am at the point in my life where I can own a
plane. The problem is, what once was a $30-50k airplane is now a
$150k airplane. Wow!
How can a plane cost more than a house? I'll leave this argument for later but I
will say that greedy parachute lawyers are mostly to blame. So being the
bargain hunter I am, I want to spend a whole lot less. I prefer to have
something new and not 50 years old. I love a challenging project and like to
build. I've built a plethora of radio control airplanes from scratch. So....
here I am - building an experimental Super Cub.

He has a great set of plans, that he graciously shares with a link on his site, professional videos, and cools build and test info.

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