Thanks again
The Aerial Motorcycle of the Future.
A BomberGuy Video. - "The Flying Flea-Pou de Ciel"
How NOT to Hand-Prop. Classic FAA Film.
And his Girlfriend was inside the entire time... Epic.
The Punch Out

Can't beat this NPR interview with author/pilot James Cross on his new book, "Punching Out." Cross details the "actual" events of a pilots ejection from an aircraft, and debunks any thought of pleasant emergency parachuting.
Two kickass videos tied into One!
Keep watching for the CYCLONE start.
For the Grumman Lover. -Not a bad place to start. -A webring for Grumman owners.
Aviation Consumer - A nice article on the Grumman Tiger.
Charts-D, C, and B Airspace
Preach on John King.
Oil Change Tips-Cessna 172 Skyhawk
A few pointers for a simple 172 oil change. Thanks for posting AviationNationUS.
Looking to buy a plane? Or kill 5 hours?
I think Controller is one of my favorite websites when it comes to flying. If you want to learn about different years and models, this is a great place to get that information. I kinda feel like Joe Dirt with an "Auto-Trader" magazine. "Daaannnng this thangs got 300 horsepower. Plum crazy purple. That's a deal!"
Reliable Forecast...

Routine Landings.
Oh how sweet it is.
Iron Eagle - Doug races Knotcher
Hands down, the most amazing video on youtube. "Can you hear me now..."
Edward Vernon Rickenbacker- Badass
What a story this guy has! RaceCar driver, Medal of Honor recipient, automobile manufacturer, airline manager, and distant cousin of the Rickenbacker Guitar creator; this guy lived life. If interested in more info, Wikipedia really has a huge spread.
Classic Aviation News- 1950's
Find "BOMBERGUY" on YOUTUBE and shake his hand. A classic 1950's reel of a Piper Cub breaking an altitude landing record, a F-89 firing rockets, and a preview of the X3 Stiletto.
ILS Lesson-ATP Training Series.
The quality of the ATP films are extremely professional. You can get a good look at both the guages, and the GPS 430 unit through this demonstration. This lesson instructs through a flight simulator.
RattleSnake Season. Watch your Step

It's hot, it's dry, and it's SNAKE SEASON! I had this picture saved from a mass email I received YEARS ago, but I love this Steve Irwin-esque photo from the U.S. Coast Gaurd and I thought I should share again.
Check out the CubDriver 749 Alaskan Outfit.
Here is a DVD promo video from the amazing CubDriver 749 bush pilot training and consulting outfit. The same folks that brought you the short takeoff/landing video I posted earlier today. Checkout the webpage for more info. http://
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